Home Announcements Moscow Knot April 17-19, 2015

Moscow Knot April 17-19, 2015

Moscow Knot April 17-19, 2015 Kinbaku Today 2

Afisha-Eng-2015The bondage party MoscowKnot you liked so much last year, opens again its gates at 17-19 of April 2015 to all bondage enthusiasts from around the world.

For the third time, we’ll work hard to make this BDSM party as great as possible.

Masters and beginners, Sadists and masochists, “Predators” and “preys”, men and women, will all gather at the same place – Moscow, “Mona Club” .

They will share their most intimate passions and make spectacular shows – and who knows : maybe both of these…

They say “three” is a lucky number. So we believe MoscowKnot 3 will be the best yet!

As always in the program:
* -Shows
* -Workshops
* -Interviews with famous bondage Masters.
* -Photo exhibition
* -Fetish and exotic wear fair.
Of course, his Holiness the “Rope” will rule the scene during these three days as well as people on both sides of it.
Watch for the new announces!
Our website: http://moscowknot.ru/
Our FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/moscowknot/
Vkontakte (russian) http://vk.com/moscowknot
We are impatiently waiting for You!

С уважением, Влада.