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Interview with Master “K” on the Second Edition of “The Beauty of Kinbaku”

Interview with Master "K" on the Second Edition of "The Beauty of Kinbaku" Kinbaku Today 1

An Interview with Master “K” by KingCat Publisher about the second (updated, trade) edition of “The Beauty of Kinbaku”

Book Announcement and Purchasing Information Can Be Found Here

KingCat (KC): Well, first off…

congratulations on the publication of the 2015 trade edition of your book.

Master “K”: Thank you. Frankly, I find it all quite amazing.

KC: What do you mean?

“K”: Well, when I wrote the 2008 hard cover I thought it might sell two hundred copies, at the most, to a few readers with specialist interests. That so expensive a book as that first edition ($100) sold thousands of copies in over 60 different countries all over the world and that a Japanese edition was published by a distinguished academic publisher and is now about to go into it’s third printing there and that we’re now at the point of publishing a second edition, trade paperback is deeply humbling. It’s a dream come true for any author.

KC: Why do you think the book was so successful?

“K”: I’d love to think it’s because of my writing (laughs) but I believe it has more to do with timing.

KC: What do you mean?

“K”: I think my book came out just at the time of a worldwide explosion of interest in Kinbaku. Also, because I’ve been studying the art for over 40 years I think my book benefited from research that would be very difficult to do today, such as having access to original historical materials to say nothing of having the privilege of interviewing people like the late Nureki Chimuo sensei, the founder of the famous SM Library in Tokyo, Urado Hiroshi sensei, a close, elderly colleague of the famed martial arts expert Nawa Yumio, etc., etc. These are all people who were there at the very beginning of the modern Kinbaku era in the 1950’s and 60’s.

KC: Now that the $39.99 trade paperback is out, does this mean the hardcover is sold out?

“K”: Yes, absolutely. There’s not a copy to be had anywhere unless it’s a used copy and I understand these are going for a pretty high price now. Frankly, I’m delighted the publisher decided to do the second edition in paperback.

KC: Why is that?

“K”: Well, for two reasons actually. First off, obviously I’m glad there’s a more modestly priced edition out so that more people who might be interested in learning about Kinbaku can better afford it. Secondly, I’m very glad to be “playing fair” with the much appreciated buyers of the first edition, some of whom are collectors.

KC: Wouldn’t it have been possible to keep re-printing the hardcover?

“K”: Perhaps, but there were quite a few changes made to the Japanese language edition that I really wanted to incorperate into a second, English edition.

KC: How has the new edition changed from the first one?

“K”: In many ways. It’s a completely updated and revised book.

For instance, the Photo Gallery is completely new. It’s based on the photography show that was presented at the Shinzuku-za art gallery in Tokyo in October 2013 to launch the Japanese edition of “The Beauty of Kinbaku.”
I have also added 5 brand new biographies of significant Kinbaku artists in history.
In addition to those changes, the history chapter has been revised and updated to take into account all that’s been happening in the rapidly changing world of Kinbaku since 2008.
I’ve also improved the “how to” section for beginner’s by making the step by step instructions clearer and by using larger sized pictures.
Finally, I’ve expanded the Glossary, Bibliography and there’s now an extensive Index, something I very much wanted in the first edition but couldn’t have due to page count costs.
This new version took several months of hard work (laughs)!

KC: Well, it’s a beautiful book that deserves the praise its been given.

Master “K” Thank you! That’s very kind. I hope new readers enjoy it and find it worthwhile.