Home Announcements Sugiura Norio: 45 Years of Kinbaku Photography

Sugiura Norio: 45 Years of Kinbaku Photography


Master photographer Sugiura Norio is celebrating 45 years of kinbaku photography with the release of a new book.  The project was crowd funded to raise money for a photo exhibit in Japan with a book to follow.

For those not familiar with his work, Sugiura sensei is known internationally as the top kinbaku photographer in Japan and has worked with nearly every top bakushi over the course of his 45 year career.

Most famously, Sugiura worked in the Showa period with Nureki Chimuo in a way that defined a look and aesthetic for rope for the decades that followed.  Today, he carries that legacy on, often shooting with Akira Naka, Nureki’s only student.

After meeting with Sugiura sensei in Japan, he has agreed to offer the photo book for a substantial discount to Kinbaku Today readers.

The book will retail for $200.  We are being offered a pre-publication discount of 50%.  This is an opportunity to purchase a signature work for $100 plus shipping.

Please Note: Production of the book will be approximately one year from now and should be shipped in summer of 2018.

The book, tentatively will be in B4 format, 132 pages and hardback.  Weight approx: 1.4 kilos.  Shipping from Japan will be $23.10 worldwide.

Details on Sugiura sensei’s website: Available Here (in Japanese)

This offer ends July 31st, 2017!

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